In this unique #stayathome covid world we find ourselves in, developing an #athomeworkout offers numerous benefits. Here are a few helpful tips to get you started and keep you going.
#homeworkoutspace. Set up a space in your home that doesn't require you to move furniture everyday. Let's be honest, if stepping on your mat involves moving your couch everyday, that will last probably a day or two before that little voice in your head talks you out of it. You may need to move things around to start with, but if you have a designated space you can visit every day, you'll find its easier to motivate and make it happen.
#athomesetup. Once you've established your in home workout space, put your workout gear in it. Think about the classes you'll be taking and the items you'll need and have them close by. This will again help deter that little voice that likes to talk you out of things! Here are a few items I recommend: yoga blocks (or heavy books), yoga strap (or a tie, scarf, etc.), blanket, pillow, weights (light and heavy set), exercise band.
#workoutschedule. Put it in your calendar. At the end of each week, I check with my favorite teachers/classes to determine which virtual classes I want to take, then I plug them in to my calendar. If attending a LIVE virtual class isn't an option for you, there are tons of downloadable options. You can find some of my virtual downloadable offerings here.
#mixitup. Always wanted to take a hip-hop class, but afraid to try it in person? How about salsa dance or ballet? One of the upsides of this new #virtualworkoutworld is that you get to try new things. My favorite has been yoga with a stick or a dowel. If you happen to have a very long stick at home, you can check out what it looks like here.
#laughingworkout. Make a plan, but know that it isn't always going to be perfect. There have been several virtual classes I've taught where students have either met my dog Guinness, or heard him bark at the Amazon delivery driver. I found that I would yell at my kids if they disrupted my workout time. As much as I needed that time, I also realize this has been challenging on them and they need a little more Mama time. So, when they walk in during my personal #virtualworkoutsessions I have them join in. It definitely brings a smile to my face and we always end up laughing, which BTW is a great ab workout! So, when things don't go your way (lawn-mower during savasana, anyone?), simply smile and laugh it off. For a free family yoga workout click here.
#virtualcrosstraining. It's incredibly important to mix up your workouts. Each week its important to include 4-7 days of cardio (at least 10-20 minutes each day), 2-3 days of weighted activity, and 2-3 days of stretching. See a sample schedule at the end of this blog.
#workoutoutdoors. I've enjoyed taking my cardio workouts outside. My family and I take walks in our neighborhood, hikes in the local canyons and play games in our yard. Being outside and appreciating nature gives you a whole new perspective on life. I've also loved setting up my yoga mat outside every once in a while and practicing with the sounds that surround me. It's definitely something I recommend.
Monday 30 minutes of cardio followed by 30-45 minutes of yoga.
Tuesday 20 minutes of cardio followed by 3-5 different weighted exercises.
Wednesday 1 hour yoga class
Thursday 20 minutes of cardio followed by 3-5 different weighted exercises.
Friday 1 hour class that makes you smilen (hip-hop anyone?)
Saturday 20 minutes of cardio follwed by 3-5 different weighted exercises.
Sunday 1 hour restorative yoga class or an active stretch class.

I hope this helps you find your way in the #virtualworkout space. I'm here if you have questions or concerns. #namaste. See you at #hOMe. #stayhome #virtualyoga #shelterinplace